FileString started when our founders made the same mistake that most of us make every day: we emailed someone an important file and they forwarded it on to someone that they shouldn’t have.  In our case it was a Venture Capital firm who wanted to steal an idea. However we soon learned that, like us, most people and organizations suffer financial, legal, and/or emotional consequences due to unauthorized distribution of and access to our confidential content.

Every year, 12 trillion business emails with attachments are sent, resulting in $1 trillion in Intellectual Property lost. The proliferation of cloud file sharing services has only exacerbated this problem since the average employee uses four distinct file sharing services and doesn’t understand how security works on any of them.

FileString solves this problem by empowering people and businesses to control distribution of their content with an easy-to-use system. With FileString, only authorized recipients can view, forward, and print files; activity by recipients including viewing, printing and downloading is tracked; distributed copies of files can be overwritten with updates; and access to distributed files can be revoked. 

FileString is deployed as an easy-to-use cloud service designed for individuals or teams to use and manage. FileString integrates government-grade encryption into a user-friendly identity-based file-sharing cloud service. Or as we like to say,

“File Sharing… Strings Attached”

The FileString service is developed, managed and supported by CodeStringers. To learn more about our company, visit us as

– The CodeStringers Team

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FileString is an easy to use cloud-based service that attaches a digital string to the important files you share, so you can track and control how your recipients view, download and print your content.

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